

Love Through the Looking Glass: Taylor Swift and Referencing the Self

“Lookin’ backwards/ might be the only way to move forward”—Taylor Swift, “The Manuscript”. “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards”—Lewis Carroll, “Through the Looking Glass and What...

Peter Cat R.C.: The Art of Indie Reinvention

Life at the end of 2024 is a strange mix of relying on AI to run your intellectual chores while wondering whether it’ll replace...

No Goodbye

From my early childhood Lenny Myers was my best friend as I grew up in Post-War Rushden, Northamptonshire where we had both been born....

Notes and Notions with Elysia Biro

Canadian singer-songwriter Elysia Biro's approach to writing music sidesteps the predictable, in just the right measure. Her work weaves together jazz, soul, and pop,...


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Jaanvi Saraf

Hair Bands, Hand-Me-Downs and Holding On

“It was a lesson in attachment, growth, and grieving; in learning how to let go of parts of me I thought were essential, when they no longer are.”