Sneha Roychoudhury

Sneha is a historian in the making. She takes a specific interest in sacrality as a process of nation-making in the Himalayan borderlands. She has degrees from Lady Shri Ram College and Ambedkar University, and has worked for a number of years in policy research.

The First Supper

  In the first year of undergraduate school, unable to conjure the words for “homesick” and “lonely” in an unfamiliar city, I wrote ever so...

On The Pursuit of a Room of One’s Own

“Woolf is right. Women need a room. Women need floors to kick, walls to beat, air to scream into or they will wind up dead.”

83 and Lessons on Sporting Victories

Kabir Khan’s 83 showcases how a record of the past responds to the cultural context of the present.

More Misses than Hits: “The Chair” on Cancel Culture

“The show attacks a bunch of little-over-teenage youths who really are the least of cancel culture’s problems, but are the most fashionable to attack.”

The Nation In Olympia

Unpicking the narrative around bodies, sport and statehood