
Live-streaming Lord Ganesha: Of Festivals and Pandemics

Devotees around India adapt to usher in their beloved deity during virus-ridden times.

We Are One: Film Festivals and Pandemics

The transformation of film festivals in the shadow of a pandemic

Experiences of London’s Popular Music in the Nineteen-Sixties

A decade of musical vibrancy—from Hendrix’s first London gig to Jagger’s troublesome locks

The Intimate Relationship Between the Private and the Public in Tamil Sangam Poetry

““It seems to me,” she said, “that poetry does two things: it either contracts its surrounding space or expands on it.””

The Fate of Western Classical Music

From pandemic-borne havoc to systemic problems the industry must overcome

Reinhart Koselleck and The History Question

The ways we place ourselves in the grand scheme of things

The Endearing Tragedy of ‘Less’

A review of Andrew Sean Greer's Pulitzer Prize-winning book 'Less'

Inside Outside

“These in-between spaces, where the rules of confinement are temporarily modified, have, once more, become areas of yearning for blurred lines.”

The Virtue of Humanity in ‘Wings of Desire’

A review of Wim Wenders' film 'Wings of Desire' (1987)