Humour and Cartoons

How To Avoid Rabies

"For anyone who asks, this is what happened: Lara kissed the dog. Then the dog she’s dating wanted a kiss too."

“The Remote Is Mine, Mona!”

““Mona, can you come out of the damn kitchen! I think this might be it,” Mr Moody shrieked, “this is when I die.””

An Invitation to the Troll Army

“So, when my husband tweeted ‘J for Judiciary, J for Joke’, he was promptly chastised by a quick-witted troll, “A for Ashir, A for A**h*le.””

Freshman Fraudery

"My excess baggage had resulted in a handbag full of hostile playdates: a downcast novella, one teaspoon of sanitizer, two broken chargers, a single shoe from a pair of  Doc Martens, and a beanie.”


A cartoon by Tanushka Beniwal.

Bubonic Plague

A cartoon by Tanushka Beniwal.

Crazy Climate Change and the Pleasure of Protesting

Save the planet from the comfort of your home!

A Confused Joe Biden Forgets About The Elections, Delivers His Victory Speech In A Denny’s

Everyone’s favourite big boy, Biden, gives a scintillating victory speech after accomplishing the near-impossible task of defeating two reality television stars in a presidential election (or so he thinks)

Let Me Tell You Why Solitude Is For You

Getting dreamy with a good old romance novel isn't as loser-ish as it sounds. Try it for yourself.

10 Study Tips and Etiquettes For Your Next Zoom Class

“Sorry, my ex is spying on me, so the camera has to stay off, professor”.