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flash fiction

A Minimalist Guide to Minimalism

Minimalism sucks. No, not fundamentally (say, like fascism) but in its ultimate goal. It is an elusive pursuit; a constant work-in-progress. And how it could not be? There are never enough things that you cannot own.


"No one is waiting for him, but he has to be on time. "

How To Avoid Rabies

"For anyone who asks, this is what happened: Lara kissed the dog. Then the dog she’s dating wanted a kiss too."

“The Remote Is Mine, Mona!”

““Mona, can you come out of the damn kitchen! I think this might be it,” Mr Moody shrieked, “this is when I die.””

An Invitation to the Troll Army

“So, when my husband tweeted ‘J for Judiciary, J for Joke’, he was promptly chastised by a quick-witted troll, “A for Ashir, A for A**h*le.””

Freshman Fraudery

"My excess baggage had resulted in a handbag full of hostile playdates: a downcast novella, one teaspoon of sanitizer, two broken chargers, a single shoe from a pair of  Doc Martens, and a beanie.”

Crazy Climate Change and the Pleasure of Protesting

Save the planet from the comfort of your home!

A Confused Joe Biden Forgets About The Elections, Delivers His Victory Speech In A Denny’s

Everyone’s favourite big boy, Biden, gives a scintillating victory speech after accomplishing the near-impossible task of defeating two reality television stars in a presidential election (or so he thinks)

and how does that make you feel

A poem by Shanaia Kapoor.

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