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India On The Brink: The Folly Of Poor Economics

"Covid-19 merely exacerbated structural shortcomings in the economy, which had been ailing long before the coronavirus reached India’s shores."

For Freedom

Artwork by Aishwarye Gaikwad.

“Surreal Starbursts” by Nida Khan

“To burn the witch is to admit the magic exists.”

Crazy Climate Change and the Pleasure of Protesting

Save the planet from the comfort of your home!

A Confused Joe Biden Forgets About The Elections, Delivers His Victory Speech In A Denny’s

Everyone’s favourite big boy, Biden, gives a scintillating victory speech after accomplishing the near-impossible task of defeating two reality television stars in a presidential election (or so he thinks)

#DalitLivesMatter: Only a Tweet Storm?

The murder of George Floyd in the US prompted people across India to stand up for racial equality and align themselves in solidarity with...

Kathi Roll Man

A poem by Armaan Verma.

The Case For Dissent: Shrinking Spaces For Free Speech On Campuses

The preservation of discourse at universities requires us not to speak out, but to listen

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